Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JOCSTEC - Januari
Journal of Computer Science and Technology is a scientific journal that publishes the latest research and thinking in the field of computer science and technology. This journal is published regularly and covers various topics relevant to computer science and technology, such as programming techniques, operating systems, computer networks, information security, data science, and others. JOCSTEC is aimed at researchers, academics, and professionals in the fields of computer science and technology, and aims to help disseminate useful knowledge and information to these communities.
Implementasi Metode Multi Attribute Utility Theory Pemberian Komisi Untuk Sales
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Penerapan Aplikasi Supply Chain Management Untuk Pendistribusian Dan Stock Beras Berbasis Web
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Penerapan Metode Ahp Dalam Memilih Calon Pencari Kerja (Studi Kasus : PT. Minas Sarana Jaya SPBU 14.288.607)
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Implementasi Customer Relationship Management Pada Klinik Laf Kisaran
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Analisis Persediaan Stok Obat Di Apotek RSUD HAMS Kisaran Dengan Metode SCM
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Pemetaan Daerah Rawan Longsor Di Wilayah Kota Kupang Berbasis Geographic Information System (GIS)
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